Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's 2014 - Crank Up The Colour!

Happy New Year Everyone!

To kick off the start of a brand new year Tangerine Dream is featuring the vibrantly colourful and imaginative works of three artists - Chantey Dayal, Lesley Fountain and Daciana Dao - in the gallery for the month of January.

"Chantey is a well known painter in the Cowichan Valley. She is uninhibited with her precocious, ripe and audacious use of colour. Her women suggest of warm matriarchal experiences. A tree with blossoms and returning fruits. Imaginary gardens that are inspired, playful and forceful foreshadow their potential and explosive beauty. Looking sweet and juicy with life, not to be lost to a breeze at any moment."

"Vibrant colours and a spontaneous, contemporary style characterize Lesley's work. She enjoys working with the combination of hidden and exposed, images and text, and densely layered textures and colours. Her acrylic paintings, which are painted in the intuitive style, are comprised of many layers of paint and texture, and often imagery surfaces of it's own accord. What do you see?"

Daciana's paintings are filled with analogies and symbols, like stones, dots, tears, flowers, apples, water, waves and houses. "I was born in Brasov, Transilvania - one of the most fascinating parts of Romania. I grew up in the picturesque and beautiful countryside surrounded by the legend of Dracula's castle. My art expresses that which my words cannot. Art is an ascension of the spirit, and once you let yourself be lifted in this colourful path it is absolutely impossible to go back to the point where you started your first step."

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